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King of the Clouds – The Andean Condor – Chakana

Majestic bird that inspires power, strength and courage. King of the clouds, you cover the Andean highlands with your even dangerous flight amidst the ice and the peaks, lagoons and mountain grasslands; this is our national emblem, shield of war, oh magnificent specimen of your specie and the great biodiversity of our Ecuador. Andean condor you are and you convey respect among others of your specie. Your name is written in Quechua in our South America lands, the long way of the imposing mountain mass called Cordillera de los Andes.

You nest in between cliffs and ridges, high in the sky, up to 5000 mts above sea level, you arrive and you have the biggest wingspan in your kind, how can we miss you when you are on top of what really matters, nature, the rivers and boats below you and your gaze and posture is alert and sharp. How much you love what you live, where you live: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru honor you. That is what you are, mythological and cultural figure.

You are vulnerable but the glory of the natural conservationists around the world are coming to your rescue and oooh noble specie how we claim to see you reunited with your nurture!!! To get out of your nest and teach to fly, to get out of your nest that you created with your sole female that you know because if noble you are you also sense fidelity and loyalty… For your greatness and to your rescue there is Jocotoco Wildlife Reserve, Chakana Reserve, Antisanilla Hacienda and your home, a sanctuary!!!! Condor Sanctuary, Peace and Conservation Sanctuary.

Only 1h/30’ away from Quito, we travel in car and when we get there each space, each glance we take, we can see hundreds of hills and mountain chains, Caracaras birds, “Curiquingues”, jumping rabbits, butterflies, white tail deer, spectacled bears chasing the sweet “atchupalla” and even lurking pumas hidden behind the dense flora. Galloping grasslands, “chiquiragua” bushes, the Sacha Chocho and its violet flower that contrasts the green; dry lagoon (it is not really dry) hybrid fountain of his place and everyone together protecting the Chakana Reserve, without a doubt an exquisite place of the nature and guardian of our King of Flight the majestic Andean Condor.

Quito City Tour  &Travel is proud and thankful to visit places like Chakana and Jocotoco Foundation that not only achieves the mission to protect our planet and its natural habitat but also gives the opportunity to all our local and international tourists so they can enjoy the great biodiversity in Ecuador through the awareness of the importance of protecting natural ecosystems, also including activities of original inhabitants of the zone such as the brave Pintag Chagras, which promotes the cultural integration that goes beyond borders, all of these inside the country and the city of the Middle of the World: Quito – Ecuador.

Quito City Tour & Travel / Sebastián

*Foto de portada crédito: ©Efraín Cepeda

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